Dear Fellow Adjunct Faculty Members,
For several years, our union, United Adjunct Faculty of New Jersey, has been attempting to make it easier (or at least possible) for us to collect unemployment compensation when we are not working. We now have bills in committee in both the NJ Assembly and Senate. We urge you to contact your state representatives and the chairs of the Higher Education committees in the two houses of the NJ legislature. Email addresses are shown in this forwarded email from the secretary of our state affiliate.
Do yourself a favor and send an email now!
Karen Feldman and Robert Hammond
Co-chairs, Camden Co Chapter, UAFNJ
Subject: Unemployment bill
Good evening,
I am happy to report that our Unemployment bill, that can hopefully help adjunct faculty collect during the Summer, has been submitted to committees in both house of the NJ legislature. We need to get the bills on the floor for a vote. The bills are identical.
We need to begin an e-mail campaign to the Chairs of the respective higher ed committees (Asw Mila Jasey in the<>
and Sen Cunningham in the<> ) asking for A-2718 and S-801 to be scheduled for a vote. The more emails sent the better chance of the bills being posted. They should be separate emails with the bill number indicated.
Please spread this to as many adjunct faculty, members and potential members, so we can get the bills posted. Once we have a date for the vote I will inform you so you can ask your people to contact their assemblymen(women) and senators and ask them to support it.
Thanks and please get the word out there.
Bill Lipkin